Lying in Wait Animated

Lying in Wait Animated

Presenting: an animated storybook accompanying a brand new Episode 1 of Tales From the Swamplands!

I’ve been delighted so far with my creative journey into the world of the Swamplands, but as I’ve become more practiced at editing and mastering I’ve found some of my earlier pieces’ polish to be somewhat lacking.

And, notably, my initial episode of Into the Mire (”Axemen of the Verge”) isn’t the best introduction to some core themes of the Swamplands (bug catching, biotech, etc). It’s a fantastic tale, but serves best as a side story, rather than the show’s initial outing.

With that in mind, I’ve written and recorded a new tale to replace Axemen in Episode 1: “Lying in Wait”. It’s a story about bug catching, partnerships, trust, ego, and existentialism. Consider this the true first episode and foray into the swamp for any interested listeners!

In celebration of this revamped episode, I decided to experiment with a new format: animation. I’m in the process of finishing up an animated storybook, enhancing Lying in Wait’s lush audio with fantastical visuals (and manually curated captions!). This is by far the most involved and complex piece that I’ve worked on – a culmination of multiple disciplines: writing, voice acting, composition, editing, sound design, illustration, and, now, animation!

I hope you all enjoy this momentous, and experimental, Tale From the Swamplands!

Follow the show @theswamplands on Instagram, Reddit, Tumblr, or the show’s website: